Every homework helped me and my partner keep going with the next one. We used my mission statement in a lot of the homework’s such as brochure, flier, and my web page. The articles we read helped me write all the essays and do these blogs. The more and more we learned helped us become more interested and be able to engage people in our organization. The facts I learned were my key points and helped a lot.
These are my points:
Do you know?
· 18% of the roads are safe to drive on.
· 164 of 772 bridges are safe to be on.
· Two of the state’s most important bridges have a weight limit.
· Rhode Island has the 3rd worst roads in the country.
· The Government wants to put more taxes and fees in order to better the roads.
· The government wants to start charging people to enter and leave Rhode Island to pay for the roads.
I also used my contacts list and put it in my brochure. It helped a lot having done the contact list.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Brochore and flier
My partner and I came up with our flier and brochure today. We tried to make it look interesting but be informative. We used different methods of doing the flier and the brochure. The flier just has a picture of the roads and the mission statement with some contact information. The brochure has a lot of facts and contact information but it also has the mission statement. We used pictures on both to make it more interesting seeing how most the people I was giving it to was my classmates.
mission statement
My partner and I wrote the mission statement to let people get a clear understanding of what our organization is about. I put our mission statement on the brochure and the flier because that what people should be informed about when they learn about are organization. Today I was informed that we need to have two different mission statements so it made it a little complicated.
We may not work in the State House and make the decisions but we are citizens of the United States and should have an impact on where are budget is being distribute. We are promised safety by our government and are roads are not safe. We work hard and contribute to taxes. We have a voice so let’s use it. E-mail the people in charge and tell them what we want. Are voices can change the world. Tell the government we need better roads and shouldn’t have to pay more. Put are taxes to use and let’s get better roads it’s what we deserve after working hard as a citizen.
We may not work in the State House and make the decisions but we are citizens of the United States and should have an impact on where are budget is being distribute. We are promised safety by our government and are roads are not safe. We work hard and contribute to taxes. We have a voice so let’s use it. E-mail the people in charge and tell them what we want. Are voices can change the world. Tell the government we need better roads and shouldn’t have to pay more. Put are taxes to use and let’s get better roads it’s what we deserve after working hard as a citizen.
finding with the questionnare
My questionnaire asked 10 questions on how often do you drive and your experience on the roads. When getting the test back every single one said we need to improve the roads and many said other states have better roads. If other states have better roads why can’t we? What are we doing so differently that we can’t afford better roads? We pay our taxes like every other state and we follow laws just like the other state so we should have nice roads like every other state. Wrong every person said we have bad roads so it’s no secret we need to improve. Many of the kids I asked were in high school and just getting their permits so they are just starting to realize that roads can be a safety hazard. Roads are very important as I understood from many of the people that took my questioners and it should be discussed more often. You don’t have to be on the roads all day to understand they need some attention. Most of the people answered that they spend 15 hours on the road a week. Now multiply 15 by the population of Rhode Island and that how populated the roads are over a week. 3 out of the 5 said they rarely see construction. A question I should of put on the questionnaire is “do you know why we don’t have good roads like other states?” Maybe it will get people ready to ask questions of their own.
When looking up information on my topic I found a lot of things alike. One thing was the dates of the articles most of them were published in 2008 or 2009 which means the information isn’t new. It doesn’t mean the information is old it’s just that there hasn’t been anything done between now and then. The articles didn’t have any secrets it let out all the information so it’s not like people are not informed about this. It’s just nothing is being done and no one is taking notice. The other thing alike was each article had number facts to help you understand the problem. I don’t understand how people cannot do anything after understanding that nothing has been done over the past 2 years and the devastating numbers proving we have bad roads. WHY ISNT PEOPLE DOING ANYTHING
Question of the day
If the government had enough taxes then don’t you think they would have fixed the roads?
I was talking to a teacher about my organization and she had asked me this question. It got me thinking because I did have the question on how I should found my organization in the beginning. I absolutely don’t think more money should come out the pockets of tax payers and nor should money be donated. The money should come out of taxes and the issue may be we have no money left in taxes. the people in charge of where are money is spent should be held accountable if we don’t have enough money. I don’t really understand how the taxes gets spend and who decides on what but there should be money aside saving construction. So I found the answer to my teachers question; No, I don’t think the government would help the roads if they had enough money because their priorities are all messed up.
I was talking to a teacher about my organization and she had asked me this question. It got me thinking because I did have the question on how I should found my organization in the beginning. I absolutely don’t think more money should come out the pockets of tax payers and nor should money be donated. The money should come out of taxes and the issue may be we have no money left in taxes. the people in charge of where are money is spent should be held accountable if we don’t have enough money. I don’t really understand how the taxes gets spend and who decides on what but there should be money aside saving construction. So I found the answer to my teachers question; No, I don’t think the government would help the roads if they had enough money because their priorities are all messed up.
awareness day

Today I walked around school and tried getting signatures for my “Better roads without higher taxes” petition and let me tell you it was a struggle. My partner and I had the most trouble with trying to get the adults signatures. The adults were unwilling to sign my paper and said “I support your cause but I can’t sign your paper.” Are you kidding me? This is why nothing gets done because people like that. By the way they acted toward my organization I think they would careless for better roads. The students had no problem signing the petition and they even seemed more involved then would have imagined. I got a little over 200 signatures and other peoples inputs about the roads today. I say it was a success in getting information out but also a lesson. A lesson that describes some peoples attitudes toward change.
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