Wednesday, March 31, 2010

finding with the questionnare

My questionnaire asked 10 questions on how often do you drive and your experience on the roads. When getting the test back every single one said we need to improve the roads and many said other states have better roads. If other states have better roads why can’t we? What are we doing so differently that we can’t afford better roads? We pay our taxes like every other state and we follow laws just like the other state so we should have nice roads like every other state. Wrong every person said we have bad roads so it’s no secret we need to improve. Many of the kids I asked were in high school and just getting their permits so they are just starting to realize that roads can be a safety hazard. Roads are very important as I understood from many of the people that took my questioners and it should be discussed more often. You don’t have to be on the roads all day to understand they need some attention. Most of the people answered that they spend 15 hours on the road a week. Now multiply 15 by the population of Rhode Island and that how populated the roads are over a week. 3 out of the 5 said they rarely see construction. A question I should of put on the questionnaire is “do you know why we don’t have good roads like other states?” Maybe it will get people ready to ask questions of their own.

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