Wednesday, March 31, 2010

mission statement

My partner and I wrote the mission statement to let people get a clear understanding of what our organization is about. I put our mission statement on the brochure and the flier because that what people should be informed about when they learn about are organization. Today I was informed that we need to have two different mission statements so it made it a little complicated.

We may not work in the State House and make the decisions but we are citizens of the United States and should have an impact on where are budget is being distribute. We are promised safety by our government and are roads are not safe. We work hard and contribute to taxes. We have a voice so let’s use it. E-mail the people in charge and tell them what we want. Are voices can change the world. Tell the government we need better roads and shouldn’t have to pay more. Put are taxes to use and let’s get better roads it’s what we deserve after working hard as a citizen.

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