Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Question of the day

If the government had enough taxes then don’t you think they would have fixed the roads?
I was talking to a teacher about my organization and she had asked me this question. It got me thinking because I did have the question on how I should found my organization in the beginning. I absolutely don’t think more money should come out the pockets of tax payers and nor should money be donated. The money should come out of taxes and the issue may be we have no money left in taxes. the people in charge of where are money is spent should be held accountable if we don’t have enough money. I don’t really understand how the taxes gets spend and who decides on what but there should be money aside saving construction. So I found the answer to my teachers question; No, I don’t think the government would help the roads if they had enough money because their priorities are all messed up.

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